Advent by Candlelight
December 1, 2024 - 6:30 pm
Begin your holiday season by setting aside an evening to share a meaningful and focused celebration of Advent, through Scripture readings, narration, prayer and songs of praise..
What is Advent by Candlelight?
Advent by Candlelight is as an event for women ages grade school and older. This is a wonderful evening of the Word, music fellowship, and dessert to help prepare our hearts for the Advent season before the holidays get into full swing.
Hostess Opportunities: Do you enjoy decorating? Volunteer to be a table hostess and we will reserve a table for you! Hostesses provide table settings, holiday decorations, candle and a dessert for a table of 8 to 10 ladies. If you are interested in hosting a table, please sign up at church. If you would like more information before committing, please contact Heather Hahm cosrock_staffminister@hotmail.com
Reading and singing Opportunities: Do you enjoy singing? Think about joining the choir or maybe a solo piece. Readers will also be needed for the evening. If you are interested, please sign up at church. If you would like more details, please contact Heather Hahm - cosrock_staffminister@hotmail.com